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Presentation of the 3rd Place Prize checks to the Chippewa Valley Technical College, Eau Claire, Mechanical Design students, They filed for a patent on May 21, 2019 for their idea presented in the ATEA 3 D Futures Competition.ATEA 3 D Competition, Power Transmission Infrastructure Tool. l-R Dean Jeff Sullivan, CVTC Dean of Sklilled Trades and Engineering Programs, Dr. Sandra Krebsbach, ATEA Executive Director, Team members: Derek Ortner, David Smith, Zachary Gunderson, Ethan Palmer, and Joshua Bartlett, student who recorded the video, and Joseph Vydrazal Instructor Mechanical Design Program ATEA 3 D Futures Competition 3rd Place winner filed their idea for a patent, Zack Gunderson, David Palmer, ATEA 3 D Futures Competition sponsored by the maker of Solid Works, Dassault Systemes, Waltham MA. ATEA Board member Al Bunshaft, SVP Dassault Systemes, supported this first ever competition for ATEA with $3000 total in prize money for the students; $1500 first prize, $1000 2nd prize and $500 third prize. The panel of six judges 3 deans, 1 global academic leader, 1 executive director of a center of excellence in a NW US state, and 1 executive director of a national certification program. The criteria was developed with input from the competition chairs Dr. Bryan Albrecht and Mary Kaye Bredeson and members of the panel.1st Prize Kara Learning Mechanism, Chippewa Valley Technical College,River Falls WisconsinL-R: Mahmood Lahroodi, Instructor of Mechanical Design, Team Kara Learning Mechancism: Franklin Lorzano, Rick Heuer, Andrew Boster II, and Jonathan Knapp. Winning video:Kara Learning Mechanism 1st Prize ATEA 3 D Futures Competition 2nd Prize Robotic Arm and Gripper, Chippewa Valley Technical College, River Falls, Wisconsin
L-R Mahmood Lahroodi, Instructor, Mechanical Design, Andrew Boster II, Alex Husfleon, and Eric Wolle
Robotic Arm and Gripper ATEA 3 D Futures 2nd Prize ATEA 3 D Futures Competition prize sponsor Dassault Systemes 1st prize $1500, 2nd $1000 and 3rd $500Al Bunshaft, SVP Dassault Systemes Global Initiatives visits Chippewa Valley Technical College to meet with 3 D Futures Competition faculty of the winning teams. Dassault Systemes was the industry sponsor of the cash prizes totaling $3000. L-R. Jeff Sullivan, Dean of Applied Technology Programs, Al Bunshaft SVP Dassault Systemes, Mahmood Lahrooti, faculty Mechanical Design Program CVTC Riverfalls1st and 2nd Prize winners and Joe Vydrazal, faculty 3rd place prize winner. Third Place Winner files for a patent! |