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American Technical Education Association


 Thank you for supporting ATEA's commitment to sharing best practice, identiying trends that effect technical education, creating professional relationships and communicating the role and importance of technical education.  ATEA was formed in 1928 in a response to professionalize technical and contextual education.  Its founded in New York where it stayed headquartered until 1973 when it moved to North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton, North Dakota. In 2012 it moved to Dunwoody College of Technology, Minneapolis, Minnesota.  We appreciate your donation.

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Your gift is tax deductible ATEA is a 501(c3)
You will be listed on the ATEA Donor webpage page. If you wish to have a named ATEA event or award please contact the ATEA office at 612-381-3315.
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American Technical Education Association

premier association for the post secondary technical educator, with emphasis on professional development.

Dunwoody College of Technology
818 Dunwoody Blvd.
Minneapolis, MN 55403

Dr. Sandra Krebsbach, Executive Director

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