American Technical Education Association
Sandra Krebsbach, ATEA Executive Director, introducing the conference schedule and the Plenary Session I moderator, Mary Kaye Bredeson, Executive Director of the Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Materials, Everett Washington seated left of podium
Dr. Mike Mire, Aerospace Center of Excellence ,TAACCT North Idaho College; and Marie Price, State of Idaho Wood Products Center of Excellence, North Idaho College; Mary Kay Bredeson, Executive Director, Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing, Everett Washington; Krebsbach at podium; Shana Peschek, Executive Director, Construction Programs, Renton, Washington for State of Washington; Bill Griffin, Executive Director for Agriculture Program, Walla Walla, for State of Washington, Connie Beene, Director of Federal Initiatives Kansas Board of Regents.
Plenary Session 1:
How Centers of Excellence, Both TAACCCT and State-funded, Have Networked,
Supported and Shared Best Practice Across Systems, Sectors, and States
Centers of Excellence, both state funded and federally funded TAACCCT grants, are having an impact on the future of technical education. Plenary session I panelists represent both state funded and federally funded centers. They will build awareness of how the centers build networks, support one another and share best practice across the nation. The Centers of Excellence are plenary to give participants the opportunity to network with the panelists throughout the conference.
Moderator: Mary Kaye Bredeson, Executive Director, Center of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing, Everett, Washington. Funded by the State of Washington