The ATEA MEMBER Spotlight
Technical College students access learning resources databases, ebooks and hardcopy
Ogeechee Technical College Library in Statesboro, Georgia
Opening of Fall of 2012 a record 998 visits to the library
The Ogeechee Tech library was the first technical college library in the nation (and the world) to convert to Ohio College Library Center’s (OCLC) WorldShare Management Services (WMS). OCLC originated in Ohio, but now offers its services world-wide,
Dr. Lynn Futch.Dean of the Library working with students on their research for classes
Opening day a third of the students utilized the library resources from a a variety of subjects from Fish & Wildlife Management to Culinary Arts, and Opticianry to Funeral Service Education. Having services and resources for all of the different programs can be a challenge, according to Dr. Lynn Futch, Dean for Library Services at the College. Because of the wide variety of students, ages 16 to 79, and the wide range of subject matter, the library decided to try a new management system--the Ohio College Library Center’s (OCLC) WorldShare Management Services (WMS). OCLC originated in Ohio, but now offers its services world-wide, and its WMS offers libraries a unified solution to help streamline routine tasks like cataloging, circulation, and purchasing.
WMS has many benefits for the students. From the WMS catalog, the students can search databases for full-text articles, look for books or ebooks, or audio-visuals. If Ogeechee Tech does not have the material, then it can be borrowed from a library within the OCLC WorldCatalog and be sent to the Ogeechee Tech student. Dr. Futch explained, “Being the first technical college in the country to utilize this program is significant for our students. It means they have resources here that they previously did not have.”
The screen shot below is an example of the journals, other resources available to students including
libraries world wide and Georgia Technical College Libraries.
The Georgia State University System established its own database of resources known as GALILEO. Technical college students and faculty have the same assess as the universities.