From the Executive DirectorWelcome to the ATEA website where you will find information and registration links to ATEA professional development programming. Each fall we hold regional conferences and in the spring a national conference. ATEA publishes a reviewed ATEA Journal which also is a magazine featuring ATEA members and conference participants. Join ATEA so you are connected to this outstanding team of technical and occupational educators. Membership is $100 for individuals and $500 for institutions and businesses with six members and addresses for ATEA contacts. There is a new System Level Membership for 100 members. National conference attendees have a one year complimentary membership. Follow us on Twitter @ateaonline and click on our Podcasts to experience the conference speakers and panels. There is an ATEA Channel on YouTube with all general sessions from national conferences. ATEA identifies both technology and trends affecting technical education. Join this outstanding team of professionals who form long term relationships that build their careers whether faculty, deans or presidents--institutional or system leadership. Best regards, Sandra |
Producer--conferences in partnership with host colleges and systems Managing Editor of the ATEA Journal Webmaster Phone: (612) 381-3315 E-mail: Current. Advisory Committee and ATEA lead partner in DOL Grant "Closing the Skills Gap" Ivy Tech CC, Community College's Smart Manufacturing 4.0--Digital Integration AAS with embedded SACA certificates. Advisory Committee member on Purdue's NSF Collaborative Research: Developing Business Communication Skills in Manufacturing Technician Education: Awarded 2022 MN Cup "Outstanding Mentor" of a Start Up by the Holmes Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Minnesota-three awarded-to volunteers. Former Dean of Technology, Trade and Apprenticeship Programs at Saint Paul College; Director of Partnership and Articulated Programs, University of Minnesota, Rochester; Director, Academic Affairs, Minnesota State Universities, Chancellor's Office. BA Creighton University Ph.D. University of Minnesota, College of Education and Human Development MS, University of Minnesota, Technical Leadership Institute, Management of Technology, College of Science and Engineering |