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American Technical Education Association


Fargo Forum announces American Technical Education Association (ATEA) Region 5 Business and Industry Award to Doosan Bobcat--presentation will be Oct. 12 at the ATEA Regional  conference hosted by Minnesota State Community and Technical College.


ATEA is asked to respond to national media questions.  ATEA has a member Media Response team.If you are a member and would like to be included in responses to media questions, please send an email to

USA Today College edition.  

ATEA members, Rochester Community and Technical College, Lake Area Technical College and the Georgia Technical College System were part of the ATEA response team that responded to USA Todays' questions.


CSPAN Washington Journal featured Technical Education

Dr. Sandra Krebsbach, Executive Director of ATEA and ATEA Vice President Rich Wagner, President of Dunwoody College of Technology interviewed.

On August 5 C-SPAN’s Washington Journal program featured a segment on the topic of technical college capacity to respond to the increased need for skilled workers in manufacturing and related areas

Both Dr. Sandra Krebsbach, executive director of the American Technical Education Association, and President Rich Wagner Dunwoody College of Technology and Vice President of ATEA Board of Trustees were interviewed. Dunwoody has a long history of providing skilled workers for Minnesota manufacturers.

The program can be found on Washington Journal web page:


Twitter: @cspanwj


Areas addressed through host and caller questions:

  • Why the uptick in trade/technical school enrollment?
  • Areas that need workers and skills required for a manufacturing job.
  • The gap between the many unemployed people and the need for machinist/manufacturing skills.
  • High school options that improve or provide access to technical and trade programs.
  • Technically trained workforce has and is attracting foreign investment to states such as Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Indiana. Host Scully referred to New York Times Sunday August 5 article on "American Model for Tech Jobs"--60,000 employed in auto industry with additional jobs in supplies--engines, parts, and related products and services.
  • Concerns for training for laid off workers from industries down sizing in the historic manufacturing and auto industry states.
  • Long term productive relationships between trade and technical schools and union building trades apprenticeship programs. Many programs are credit based with apprentices earning associate degrees that can move to bachelor degrees.
  • Value of trade/technical education for entry into a career area. A technical education base allows incumbent workers to continue their training throughout their career to maintain their skill level and their job.
  • High school algebra, geometry and higher algebra open the doors to programs. Algebra being the important first step.
  • Technical and trade students use and learn math in the context of projects and experience.
  • Should the country be looking at programs similar to Europe with two directions in high school, or should the country have both college prep and trade/technical students in the same career and technical course?
  • Are high school students in trade and tech programs grouped with students with behavior problems in locations off of the main high school campus?
  • To find technical colleges and technical/trade programs contact your state office that oversees higher education. There is a record of all programs that offer a credential--certificate or degree.

The Board of Trustees of the American Technical Education Association thanks C-SPAN for their interest in technical education. Sandra Krebsbach, Executive Director of ATEA, and Rich Wagner President of Dunwoody College of Technology, Minneapolis thank all who called the program. Thank you for bringing forward experiences, concerns, suggestions, and possibilities for American technical education


.CNN Money: Manufacturing Booms and Trade School Enrollments Soar

ATEA member response team provided "on the ground" background.


 ATEA also provided background information to CBS News summer 2012 and MSNBC also summer 2012


American Technical Education Association

premier association for the post secondary technical educator, with emphasis on professional development.

Dunwoody College of Technology
818 Dunwoody Blvd.
Minneapolis, MN 55403

Dr. Sandra Krebsbach, Executive Director

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