Thank you for attending the ATEA national conference--watch for follow up programming--join for deep discounted registrations and to be connected to use your expertise and share your best practices
Intel senior government partnership and initiatives director for Americas Region
Daniel Barajas, M.Ed.
MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES District Workforce & Economic Development Office, District Deputy Chief Director | Workforce Development
"You're Cleared to Land: How SC Aerospace is Growing a Robust Aviation Manufacturing Culture"
Join leaders from South Carolina's aviation and aerospace cluster, and composites industry leader Don Myers from Toray, to discuss how South Carolina has grown their aerospace/aviation footprint over the last decade, creating an aerospace culture evidenced not only by the number of commercial aerospace
firms but also by the growth in aviation-related employment and workforce development initiatives.
Listen to the insightful perspectives from experts from Texas to the green grasses of Kentucky to New York to the west coast of Washington. Industry and Higher Education are forging a resilient and agile workforce that is embracing new technologies, utilizing new tools and building state of the art facilities to assemble a diverse workforce of the future.
Dr. Sharon DeVivo
President of Vaughn College of Aeronautics, Aviation and Technology, New York